My name is Rob Perreault.

I am an actor, artist, activist, graphic designer, musician, lighting technician, and more. I am in Northeastern Ontario Canada. I am a former Canada Revenue Agency employee with Positive Safe Space Ambassador training, as well as Equity Diversity and Inclusiveness experience with NABET 700-M, UNIFOR. I am also a qualified fireworks operator. I have been a volunteer soccer coach for 5 years, and a dad, for over 10 years. I have worked on award-winning Canadian features such as “Audience of Chairs,” hit series such as “Letterkenny,” Francophonic shows such as “Amelie et Compagnie,” as well as independent productions such as the “New Romantic” and many, many, others that are now mostly available online and elsewhere throughout the world. It has been an honor to work alongside so many talented and kind people throughout the last 10 years. I fell in love with art, film, and music at an incredibly early age, listening to and watching my father playing in bands and learning about what it takes to create good tunes. I fell further in love with it all from watching amazing motion pictures, visiting art galleries, and museums, playing music, performing, going to shows, and working BTS.

Now things get complicated…

It’s hard to come out with this, because of how personal this is, because truthfully, never in my life would I have ever imagined that I would have to use the front page of my own website to defend myself from a tyrannical government boldly misusing its powers here in Canada. However, if it ever gets as far as a trial, I need to say something, to put something out there, to share our side of the story, to speak the truth so that at least you know that we are not who they may one day say we are...

Indeed, the last few years have been tough. Not only for the City of Sudbury but for the entire world. Unfortunately, tragically, as you will learn, it seems that we all continue down an endless rabbit hole of human error and stupidity.

At this point in time, it would be true if one said that the City of Greater Sudbury (CGS) is trying to wrongfully prosecute me, the city where I have lived for over 28 years. From a nonsense issue, at a ski hill, where no police were even called, CGS is using their bureaucratic legal powers to escalate the situation into unimaginable nonsense, and that is further being escalated, by Regina/the Crown, who seems to be in bed with any municipality content in prosecuting such hearsay garbage nonsense because it is “business as usual”. Crown lawyers need to get paid too, right? Where now thousands of taxpayer dollars are being wasted on a wrongful prosecution greenlit by the CGS... In conjunction with CGS, the Greater Sudbury Police Service (GSPS), in Sudbury, against whom I have filed several OIPRD complaints for their officers’ conduct in 2020, and beyond, are intentionally working to harm me and my child. The GSPS has attempted to unlawfully charge me with a criminal offense. GSPS’s and CGS’s misuse of power in unlawfully prosecuting me for a crime that I did not commit and would not ever commit is terrifying.

The City of Greater Sudbury-owned and operated ski hill, Adanac, specifically, a chairlift operator trying to cover their own arse, with help by a corrupt cop, and some badly raised kids, are also working together with CGS, and GSPS, working to avoid any accountability, at all costs, regardless of the harm, pain, and suffering, and damages, they are causing me, and my family, due to their false allegations and misconduct in this matter.

In my opinion, this is now a crime where there are no true real victims besides myself and my child who were present and with me the entire time witnessing these kids’ misbehavior and the chairlift operators’ misconduct which occurred at Adanac. The following escalations you will learn about, and how I have been treated as an innocent man, with no criminal record, are frankly unbelievable.

What did I allegedly do, you ask?

In my opinion, I committed the non-crime of asking a well-connected family’s kids, in a small town, to behave, while waiting in line to get on the chairlift with my child.

I ask you, is it a “hate crime” to ask a chairlift operator to stop a chairlift so that I could speak to two kids’ parents and ski patrol with concern for the kids’ poor behavior? Is it a “hate crime” to ask kids to behave? Is it a crime to become upset because a child just loudly retorted back at you, and your 9-year-old child, “shut the fuck up, I’ll do what I want” when you asked them to simply behave in line, to “cut it out”? Is it a crime to demand a full refund after losing my patience with Adanac because of this TERRIBLE experience with their chairlift operator and these kids? Well, I will leave that for you to decide. Yet in my opinion, instead of taking responsibility and doing the right thing, they have demonized good parenting and addressing poor behavior. They have denied everything that really happened and have instead been fabricating fiction and submitting them as statements continuously escalating matters for no good reason but to harm me. For example, they act like my child was not there, that his voice, his opinion, his statement, and what he saw, don’t matter at all. Even though legally speaking, his voice certainly matters.

Apparently, in Sudbury, it is true that if you ask an affluent kid to behave, it is to be considered an assault or a hate crime.

Now, to be clear, I have not had a criminal record since I was about 24 years old, and at the time I didn’t even know I had one until it was too late and I suffered the loss of an SP03 opportunity @The CRA because of said record. Yet it is true, that once upon a time, about 10 years ago, I had a criminal record for some trouble I got into as a teenager. When I was younger, as a kid, as a teenager, I was a bit of a pain, you could say... A troublemaker, sure, sure… I was suspended probably over 100 times, and once, or twice, I was even expelled from school, sure, sure... I was kicked out of some programs, sure, sure… I joined a rock band with guys who were more than ten years older than me because I say they had superior musical playing ability to people my age at the time. Sure. Intrinsically, I got into drugs, sure, sure... Yet I cleaned myself up from the destructive nature of playing rock and roll with those cats that were much older than me. Who didn’t understand my disease. I got away from the drugs, the thieves, the bad actors and criminals who negatively influenced me, all of that, well over a decade ago and I haven’t been in trouble since 2008.

Later in life, I earned many awards, and honors, in college and elsewhere, so why would I care much longer about the manifestations that came to fruition in my tumultuous childhood, or my teenage years, throughout grade school? I really don’t, but the trouble I got into, happened when I was a kid, or as a young man literally over 15 years ago. The experiences I have been through are unique to me and make me the strong person I am yet I have been trouble-free since, I have no criminal record.

Continuing on, when I discovered later on in life that I had a criminal record from 2008, because of some trouble I got into as a teenager, I was rejected from the SP03 program I was in the process of being hired for because the CRA viewed me as dishonest for not declaring the record that I did not know about in 2016 in applying for the job, which was also an extremely minor record, and nonviolent. I have never been charged with a violent crime in my life. I am the guy who usually breaks up fights and always protects kids and does their best to fight the good fight, man, it’s what I do. Anyway, at the time, because of that record, I lost the opportunity at the CRA. I immediately dealt with said records, and I was awarded a full pardon (not a record suspension) because of how old the charges were (2008) and how clean my record was. I went to work for the CRA in April 2018 and worked for them for 3 years on a contract-after-contract basis up to the point my dad died in hospital in October 2021. Yet that’s another nightmare of a story in terms of the Canada Revenue Agency that we can save for another time. 

Just so you know, the record I may have had many years ago only existed because I was caught sneaking into St. Raphael tresspassing and stealing some crap from the school after drinking with some friends. A window at ground level was wide open and easy to get into, we were young, and dumb, we went inside, messed around, grabbed some stuff, and got caught. Big deal!! I served my time, (3 days’ time served in jail at age 18) and I was sentenced fully (community service). I did my time and paid my dues. I was awarded a full pardon, not a record suspension, now almost 9 or 10 years ago, it’s been so long I’ve kept my nose clean! Coaching kids for about 5 years, raising my kid for 10 years, working with kids on set in the film business, now all of a sudden, I am going to act completely out of character and allegedly throw a kid under a chairlift?

Ya f-ing right, what a bullshit lie!! Look into the fact that there is also no report found in the crown’s disclosure by the chairlift operator, written on the day by them, who is the only actual alleged witness either. Thus, remains the fact, that these are damaging False Claims 101 and the City is liable for their misconduct BIG TIME.

I didn’t mention numerous other charges that the GSPS, back in the day, just threw on to my rapsheet for no reason. Such as theft over $5000, and other nonsense, that just simply didn’t happen. An old Apple ThinkPad from St. Raphael in 2008 is not worth $5000 GSPS, not sorry. The GSPS also recovered the Thinkpad when they caught us, haha, yet for some reason on the records I had fully pardoned, they put theft over $5000 which made no sense to me because that never happened. There was no theft over $5000 just corrupt cops. Yet it seems the police do that type of corrupt crap pretty often, throwing charges they shouldn’t be on to people for no good reasons besides the fact that they can. In my opinion, that type of corrupt practice and behavior by GSPS, or any police service in Canada, is a direct contravention of the laws written to protect us Canadian Citizens.

They should be relying on facts provable in court that indicate the truth accordingly not hearsay false claims forged as an instrument used to exonerate a City employee and a couple misbehaving kids of liability.

Regardless of my hard work, my sacrifices, my clean record, my education, my work history, I am still being treated as a criminal by the CGS, and the GSPS, on a consistent and plainly clear and obvious basis. It seems that, because both of my older brothers have criminal records, whom I, very sadly, no longer speak with, the GSPS and City of Greater Sudbury would love to throw me in with them in their efforts to hurt us, despite the fact I am innocent, and I have no criminal record.

The GSPS even took SEALED criminal records of mine that were fully pardoned by law, sealed via the Criminal Records Act, from when I was a teen (2008) as I mentioned above, from almost 8 years or so after I was pardoned and sent them to someone they should not have, the OCL. Remember, I am completely innocent, and I have no criminal record, and yet they chose to break the law and send SEALED records under the Criminal Records Act to the OCL while I was fighting a nonsense battle in family court trying to protect my own son! Should have been open and shut. This is even though I was the one paying for a lawyer and requesting that the OCL be involved so that I could get the “third party objective evidence” required to win the case so that I could protect my child from his reckless mother and her messed up boyfriend who has over 39 criminal charges and over 5 criminal convictions on record as confirmed in the OCLs report.

Instead, they use lies, and records they should not have access to, to hurt us.

The biases towards men being in primary caregiver role I have experienced is palpable and clearly and plainly obvious in cases such as mine in the family court. The truth is, GSPS again finds themselves contravening the laws they are supposed to abide by because GSPS shouldn’t have sent ANY RECORDS about me TO ANYONE because no criminal record exists as per the FULL PARDON as per THE ACT.

However, it seems like the government is lying to us all, if they can just go back, unseal what they want, regardless of a full pardon, and send whatever they want to whomever they want to, then what can we trust them to do at all? As per the law, in being fully pardoned, they violated my civil and human rights through their ignorant violation of the Criminal Records Act as well as other laws. Sadly, their misconduct affects the outcome that has cost me thousands of dollars at this point while enabling a liar in court to basically get away with murder for lack of better words. Now at this point, I have been resigned to accept that my child is a lamb to slaughter in Sudbury because this City is run literally backwards. After GSPS’s misconduct with respect to their mishandling of criminal records and their misconduct, I had to threaten GSPS with a lawsuit. They sent me and the court a written apology, explaining I was right and that they shouldn’t have sent anything to anyone because I have no record. Yet at that point, the damage was already done by GSPS.

Yes, I use strong language. GSPS are simply tyrants who do not protect and serve Greater Sudbury at all in my honest opinion. GSPS only document crap to support their bogus claims, whether false, or true, and they cover for themselves constantly while barely meeting the minimum standard in terms of investigations, evidence, policing, communicating, etc... GSPS is garbage!!

So, all of this begs the question, doesn’t it? What is the core problem here? What is the real basis on which the Crown could even be able to prosecute me like this?

What is a hate crime in Canada?

“The Criminal Code of Canada says a hate crime is committed to intimidate, harm or terrify not only a person, but an entire group of people to which the victim belongs. The victims are targeted for who they are, not because of anything they have done.”
-CBC News · Posted: Jun 15, 2011 6:53 PM EDT | Last Updated: June 17, 2011

By the definitions in the Criminal Code of Canada, in my opinion, I am wholly innocent in this matter. Me and my child, frankly, deserve better, yet thanks to GSPS, CGS, etc., we are being tortured through their ignorance and malice for no good reason but for them to make a display of their little powers.

To be honest, I thought a hate crime was akin to the incident where a man attacked a bunch of people for being part of a protest, with a van, trying to run them over and trying to kill people. I thought a hate crime was like mass shootings carried out by extremists who hate certain religions, or skin color, or even another recent example where someone was found attacking a teacher with a knife, at Waterloo University, for no good reason besides giving a class on gender. To me, yes, those are all hate crimes. Yet asking a chairlift operator to stop a lift, to deal with some poorly behaved kids, in a line at a ski hill, is a hate crime?


In my opinion, it seems that the truth is that I offended the city, and because they are petty, and small, they now seek to hurt me and my family more than they already have in any way they can, regardless of the cost.

Keep this fact in mind:

On this basis above, arguably, this means that here in Canada, especially in Greater Sudbury Ontario Canada, a “hate crime” can be used against any citizen, for any reason, by said municipality, as well as the Crown, to impair a citizen’s movements, rights, and freedoms in the name of “business as usual”.

If any media ever makes a false claim against me, for example, that I am guilty of a hate crime, etc., please understand that no police, no ambulance, no medic, and no first aiders, ever responded to any event, or were ever called to Adanac ski hill, on the day in question which would be February 19th 2023. Where the Crown is falsely alleging with help from CGS, and GSPS, that an “assault” was committed where they now have ‘upgraded’ the charge to a “hate crime” for no good reason it appears but to further attack us. This is false because there is no report, no police, and no ambulance was called, because no child was harmed by me, or anyone else I was with, including my 9-year-old son, in any way. In reading the Crowns disclosure this is the strangest part to me. The chairlift operator did not file any type of report at all. They ignore my opinion, refuse to ask for my statement, and my child statement, etc… Very corrupt nonsense.

I was shocked, horrified, and infuriated to learn of such false claims made to the Crown, by GSPS, and by the City of Greater Sudbury against us.

I still to this day (Feb 2024) cannot believe anyone would allege that I pushed a child under a chairlift. I am still in some ways in shock and it’s paralyzing to the point I have turned down work. Please, again, understand there is literally no report of any child ever being hurt by me because that never happened. I shouldn’t have to say this, yet I would not ever harm a child, or a woman, as an adult, within reason, ever. When I was a kid sure, I probably would have thrown mud at your head and tried to pull down your pants, yet that was more than 25 years ago. I would sooner jeopardize my own well-being in the name of protecting any innocent person, as I have in the past. Those who know me know this to be true. As a kid, I may have been a troublemaker, but as a man, I respect and follow the law and maintain my honor and integrity by operating within said lines in a reasonable fashion. I have been working with kids as a soccer coach for about 5 years and I have been raising my own child for over a decade. Instead of even considering their lies, their false accusations, and nonsense, that they cannot prove at all, I would ask you to consider the truth, that this is not a case of a “hate crime” or an “ aggravated assault” or an “assault” at all, because, literally, no child, no person, was touched, or harmed, on the day, by us, at all.

No one was harmed by us!

Instead, consider the truth, that this is a case of affluent children with well-connected government families it appears, who are trying to cover their bad behavior. A case of corruption. This is also a case of a city trying to avoid accountability because they hired a reckless and ignorant chairlift operator at Adanac, who would rather power trip on me, and threaten to take my pass away, rather than call ski patrol over and listen to me and help me deal with a simple situation of some kids misbehaving in line.

These individuals: The City of Greater Sudbury, The Greater Sudbury Police Services, the Crown, the kids, and their parents enabling them, and the lift operator trying to cover their asses by making false claims against us, would rather try to use me as a scapegoat to cover up their poor conduct instead of facing up to what they did. The truth is, we had a disagreement in line with the kids who were behaving badly, and a chairlift operator who seemed stoned, or something, because I asked him about 3-5x to stop the lift before he hit the button and the lift was smashing into my knee. The chairlift operator decided to then threaten me instead of helping us with the situation, so I told them I will demand a refund from Adanac. I demanded a refund, but they refused because they could not afford to refund me, because I spent $1004 on season passes, then they decided to refer me to Leisure Services, and we left.

The last thing I said to Adanac staff was “Have a wonderful day”. . .

About 4 days later I got over a $500 refund from leisure services after being threatened on the phone, and that was supposed to be it, done, over with. Instead, the lady, at leisure services, with CGS, threatened me with a trespass because she said, “I don’t like your tone” which I also have on recording and would release in due course depending on outcomes. From there, the threat by CGS, that I would be “trespass”-ed because a lady from CGS on the phone didn’t like my tone, morphed into a “trespass” order against me, and since then this nonsense has further snowballed, into what they allege to be an “assault”, which then was deferred to the Crown by the City into what they allege was a “hate crime”?!

Talk about corrupt garbage in DOGSHIT Sudbury!!

Police corruption is next level.

Literally months after Feb 19th 2023, to my surprise, despite the fact no child was hurt, where I got fed up with Adanac, and demanded a refund, the GSPS show up with paperwork and false allegations at my home.

Isn’t that strange?

Instead of showing up at my place on the day, or a couple of days later, or even weeks, the police instead showed up well over a month later at my door falsely alleging that I committed an assault and holding “undertaking” paperwork. I have not ever heard of this type of crap. Ultimately, in my opinion, this is a misuse of power, of taxpayer funds, and of authority. CGS, GSPS, and the Crown, are Garbage if this is how they think they can treat innocent Canadians. Using taxpayer funds to wrongfully and maliciously prosecute, sending cops with conflicts of interests whom I have filed OIPRD complaints against to investigate me to Adanac well after the fact, etc., this type of practice is disgracefully corrupt, especially on such an unfounded, and nonsensical basis where there is no evidence.

Yet what can we expect from this City at this point? From its terrible annually regurgitated roads to its ridiculous counter-intuitive business ventures, overpriced rentals, ridiculous taxes, ridiculous rents, and building permit processes, properties that are rundown to hell, painted hospitals full of asbestos, to its extremely damaged and poorly run University, it’s poorly built and run institutions overall, mines that take advantage of Sudbury yet don’t repair the damages their industries cause to our roads, for a minor example, etc. it is SAD what Greater Sudbury has become, to be honest, I don’t recognize this City at all anymore.

I ask you, how can I commit a hate crime, or an assault, when no one has been touched, and/or hurt, at all? Well, that’s easy it seems, just live in Sudbury and challenge the status quo by asking some kids to behave whose family is moderately well-connected in town. That’s how!!

What a joke, right?

For the record, I have not returned to, and I will not ever return to that NIGHTMARE of a ski hill ADANAC in Sudbury unless I get a written apology from them. It should be noted as well that I had to approach ski patrol at other times at Adanac as well because of the rowdy, dangerous, and reckless actions of kids allowed to trample around there before. It is a very poorly operated ski hill and it is clearly too great of a liability going there with my child with such reckless chairlift operator who seem to be stoned all day and snowflake ski patrol who don’t like addressing badly behaving kids in line or otherwise. Hopefully, this truth provides Adanac with a learning opportunity so that one day, hopefully, sooner, rather than later, they make the Sudbury-local ski hill better, for the sake of the people living there.

ATP I would so much rather go to Laurentian Ski Hill or Blue Mountain or even find somewhere new. I have been to many resorts/ski hills in Ontario. At other locations, the hills are much better run, they have more hits, better features, better staff, more lights, more patrols, cameras, board racks, etc... It’s sad that my child and I won’t be going back, this is where he was born, where I have raised him with his mother for the first and last 10 years of his life, yet so be it. I would rather take him for an hour’s drive, wake up early, grab some brekky, and shred North Bay, or Collingwood than ever go back to Adanac ever again. I have been to several ski hills. Never have I seen such a lack of accountability and poor conduct like what I have witnessed at Adanac ever in my life.

That is why I am choosing to leave Sudbury behind me, because it’s cute around the edges, yet deep down it’s run by garb that is stuck in power. That is why I am choosing to move on to bigger and brighter things. Because if this is not a sign; being wrongfully prosecuted for a hate crime that I did not even come close to committing, then I truly do not know what is. 

Over the next few months, I will be largely divorcing you, Sudbury, sorry, yet this is goodbye. I will leave the rest up for all of you to decide if any BS headlines come out through this corrupt crap because I will not admit guilt to something I did not do.

I hope and pray that the truth will set me, and my son, free, from this small-town, hysterical, small-minded, unlawful, corrupt madness, yet time will reveal as she always does...

Moving on…<<<

Let’s all hope and pray that the actors involved therein; GSPS, CGS, and the Crown prosecutors, start acting appropriately so that they don’t jail an innocent man for a crime that was not committed and end up causing millions in damages.

To everyone out there still reading my material, supporting my art, or listening to my music: thank you.

I can’t wait to see what the future holds in store…


Yours truly,
