Canada’s corporatism is out of control in every way. From foreign special interests interfering in its economy, and politics, to the CBC, CRA, and many, many, others, taking advantage of the system while the average Canadian slips through the cracks and the overall standard of living in Canada continues to plummet dramatically.

What appears to be well known now is that executives, in general, continue to appear on record to believe that they are above the law. Executives, found here within the confines of an operational system of Capitalism, seem to think they are the smartest and most important people in the world, and that they deserve to take millions of taxpayer dollars in the name of “performance awards” for example with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

Do you think we should be paying 16 million dollar taxpayer-funded bonuses to the CBC and its employees for basically nothing? When in fact, the CBC has been losing viewership consistently.

Please see more from the (generally right-wing conservative) outlet the Toronto Sun found through the link below.

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by Robert Perreault