Please see the Rational National’s coverage on the matter via their YouTube video here:

Israeli Govt. Goes On Psychotic 24h Rampage” -

“The Israeli government continues to escalate, including the targeting of aid workers from the World Central Kitchen as they delivered food, the targeting of a consulate, and the banning of journalists - all within a 24 hour period.”

The world continues to stand largely silent

while enabling the ongoing genocidal onslaught of innocent women, children, and families in Gaza. The World Central Kitchen (WCK) and families of those lost mourn the 7 aid workers murdered in Gaza and countless others. The casualties continue to grow on a daily basis for no good reason. There is no excuse for the ongoing rampant killing and the support, arms, and financial aid being sent to Israel by the USA. Something has got to give, if the genocide does not stop, Israel risks intense growth of the conflict in the region whereas other countries and entities may become more greatly involved. There must be a full ongoing ceasefire and a criminal trial held with concern for Benjamin’s war crimes.

by Robert Perreault

From the discourse blog:

On Sunday, Aaron Bushnell, an active-duty member of the U.S. Air Force, went in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington DC. “I will no longer be complicit in genocide,” he said. “I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest. But compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.” Then he set himself on fire and yelled “Free Palestine.”

Bushnell has reportedly died from his injuries. He was 25.

Please read the full discourse blog at:

Please, in addition, watch Kyle K’s segment on the matter on his Channel Secular Talk, here:

The act is not very desimmilar to Thích Quảng Đức’s protests of the persecution of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese government of Ngô Đình Diệm, who was a tyrannical, staunch, Roman Catholic person.

-Thích Quảng Đức died by self-immolation at a busy Saigon road intersection on 11 June 1963 at 65+ years in South Vietnam.

-Aaron Bushnell died by self-immolation at an Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC, on 25 February 2024 at 25 years in the United States of America.

”Aaron Bushnell, 25, said in a video of the incident obtained by CNN that he would “no longer be complicit in genocide” and that his suffering was minimal compared to that of Palestinians as the humanitarian crisis persists in Gaza.”


by Robert Perreault

“Ash speaks to Yanis Varoufakis and film director Raoul Martinez about their new film Eye Of The Storm: The Political Odyssey of Yanis Varoufakis, what the left got wrong after 2008 and the West's complicity in the genocide happening in Gaza.

You can buy 'In The Eye of the Storm: The Political Odyssey of Yanis Varoufakis' at

00:00 - Introduction

00:30 - Eye Of The Storm

04:40 - The Financial Crisis

07:16 - Why Wasn't Democracy Enough?

09:12 - Syria and Optimism

12:38 - Should we Confront State?

16:50 - But What About Don't Pay?

20:20 - Israel Is Killing Journalists

22:55 - Palestinian Resistance Is Unacceptable To The West

Episodes of Downstream are released Sundays at 6PM on YouTube. __________________________

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Israel/USA continues with their genocide not dissimilar to Hitler’s genocide of the Jews during WWII. The world grows terrified of the USA and Israel’s willingness to kill such a defenseless population of innocent people, destroying precedents, agreements, and accords alike leading most to expect the worst.

Please watch the updated videos below by Democracy Now! and Secular Talk on YouTube: - Democracy Now! (SHORTS)

Top U.S. & World Headlines — February 19, 2024 ( - Democracy Now! (LONG FORM)


by Robert Perreault

Please see The Young Turks’ full segment on the matter detailing the fraudulent claims made by Israel here:

(Please watch the first 30 minutes of the YouTube video regarding this subject matter.)

Israel falsely claims that Hamas is hiding in the UN and that the UN is part of the problem. Israel also falsely claims that Hamas is hiding within UNWRA in an intentional effort by Israel to cease as much humanitarian aid and funding in the region as possible.

The US is complicit in funding the destruction so Israel and the USA’s Genocide Continues.

by Robert Perreault

"CBC CEO Catherine Tait was called before the Commons Heritage Committee to explain why executives were getting bonuses while workers were being laid off. She lectured MPs and failed to answer basic questions."

“The International Court of Justice has ruled against Israel and in favour of South Africa's case brought forward on behalf of civilians in Gaza.”

Israel continues their nightmarishly-violent and genocidal campaign of murder and war in the middle East, now completely occupying the region, and displacing millions, while simultaneously murdering over 40,000 innocent Palestinian civilians.

”has resulted in a large number of deaths and injuries…”

Please view The Rational National for more independent and true information at:

Despite the fact that Hamas has been funded by Israel and it seems like IDF/Hamas is more Israeli than Palestinian the world powers that be continue their ignorant, disgusting, naive behavior of ignoring the horrors in Gaza in the name of the status quo, business as usual, make more guns, send more guns, make more bombs, send more bombs, etc..

Here is an excerpt from CBC News coverage (link above):

U.S. Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin visited Israel to pressure the government to shift to a lower level of intensity of attacks in Gaza as the number of civilians killed grows. Inside Israel, families of people taken by Hamas camp out in protest, calling for immediate negotiations for the release of the remaining hostages.

Here is better news coverage from DemocracyNow! (link below):

George Santos has been expelled from the United States House of Representatives after a series of criminal charges and ethics investigations. He is only the sixth person ever to be ousted from the chamber. Watch The National live on YouTube Sunday-Friday at 9 p.m. ET Subscribe to The National: More from CBC News | The National is the flagship of CBC News, showcasing award-winning journalism from across Canada and around the world. Led by Chief Correspondent Adrienne Arsenault and Ian Hanomansing, our team of trusted reporters helps you make sense of the world, wherever you are.

Please watch the full news segment by Democracy Now! on

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Israeli and Palestinian peace activists are mourning 74-year-old Canadian Israeli peace activist Vivian Silver after she was confirmed killed on October 7 during the Hamas attack on Kibbutz Be’eri, where she lived.

She was previously thought to be held hostage. Silver co-founded the Arab-Jewish Center for Equality, Empowerment and Cooperation, sat on the board for the human rights group B’Tselem and was an active member of Women Wage Peace. Silver’s friend and colleague Samah Salaime, a Palestinian feminist activist, says Silver would have pushed for dialogue to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.

“This was her legacy, and this is what we have to march for and fight for after her death.”


Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on over 1,500 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream at Mondays to Fridays 8-9 a.m. ET.

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Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on over 1,500 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream at Mondays to Fridays 8-9 a.m. ET. Subscribe to our Daily Email Digest:

As the overall death toll from Israel’s 27-day bombardment tops 9,000, we speak with Just Vision’s Fadi Abu Shammalah in Gaza about his family’s experiences on the ground as the besieged territory runs out of water, food and fuel. “We have only one thing: that we are being killed,” says Shammalah, who calls for Americans to “keep going” in demonstrations for Palestinian rights. “We are being killed by your taxes.”

“We (Democracy Now!) bring you the voices of Jewish Voice for Peace and their allies who shut down the main terminal of Grand Central Station during rush hour Friday in one of New York's largest acts of civil disobedience in 20 years to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. The multiracial, intergenerational movement says about 400 people were arrested, including rabbis, famous actors and elected officials from the New York State Assembly and Senate and the City Council.”